
Congress-Inspired Development


Daniel Heidt, Co-Founder, Waterloo Innovations

The 2014 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences was a terrific opportunity for start-up companies, like Waterloo Innovations, to showcase their products. Most academics at Congress were unfamiliar with our product, Confero. For readers who may have missed our booth, Confero uses QR codes to automate the process of organizing hundreds or thousands of research photographs into neat file directories and multi-page pdfs. For $25 it can reduce hours of manually sorting research photographs into minutes of keyboard time.

Congress provided Waterloo Innovations with an unparalleled opportunity to solicit feedback from academics, and we are currently in the process of integrating these comments into Confero 2.0. New...


Language plays a key role in inclusivity

This year at Congress, the Federation hosted a four-part series dedicated to equity issues, which included the following sessions:

  • Challenging casual homophobia in schools, sports, and society
  • Sochi and beyond: Russia's anti-gay legislation, human rights and the practice of history
  • The nuances of Blackness and/in the Canadian academy
  • What are “Canadian” and “Quebec”...


Les faits saillants du Congrès 2014

La Fédération des sciences humaines est fière d’avoir organisé son 83e Congrès, le plus important rendez-vous du savoir à caractère multidisciplinaire au Canada – il s’agit en réalité de l’un des plus grands événements de ce genre dans le monde. On se souviendra du Congrès 2014 pour son interdisciplinarité, pour les 75 réunions d’associations savantes et les quelque 5000 communications qu’il a accueillies. Il s’est déroulé dans un décor exceptionnel, au magnifique campus de l’Université Brock à Saint Catharines, en Ontario, au cœur de la région du Niagara.

Créer des liens durables entre les chercheurs et la communauté plus vaste est un objectif cible pour les organisateurs du Congrès, autant pour la Fédération...


Les idées peuvent... rester !

Année après année, le Congrès donne l’occasion de nouer des liens enrichissants entre les chercheurs et la communauté au sens large. Le titre d’appel de la Fédération « Les idées peuvent... » nous invite à approfondir ces relations par le partage, le façonnement et la transformation de nos idées. Mises par écrit, les idées peuvent se développer en quelque chose de plus important encore, au-delà même de leur émergence singulière.

Forte de cette conviction, la Fédération s’est dit : pourquoi ne commencerions-nous pas (le « Nous » collégial) à mettre en attendant nos idées par écrit ?

Au kiosque de la Fédération, à l’Expo du Congrès 2014, nous avons invité nos...


Congress Expo: First impressions last forever

Jessica Clark, with contributions from Emily Rothwell, Christina Vecchiato, and Aleks Wrobel

I still remember the first time I participated in Congress Expo. It was 2008, and I was exhibiting with the University of Ottawa Press. Congress was at the University of British Columbia that year and it was only my second time visiting Vancouver.

Needless to say, I was awed. Rows upon rows of books to peruse. Publishing colleagues from all over the country to meet. Scholars and authors to talk to.

This year, as the coordinator of the Expo I had the pleasure to meet three young publishers from Penguin Random House and Harper Collins who were all attending Congress for the first time.

After everything was over, I wondered how they found their first Congress. Here’s what they told me:

“Congress was such a great opportunity to speak with professors directly. I was surprised by how many academics took the time simply to chat...

